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About 2Checkout

Our promise stands on a foundation of best-in-class payments expertise - not a passing moment of frenzy and excitement. We started as a pioneer in cashless payment, securing checks and credit cards through digitization. One of our first inventions was the "Verification Phone," an electronic method that protects merchants from fraudulent checks. Our brand name and problem-solving DNA emerges from that initial innovation. We ended up in all corners of the world, because no merchant could prosper without secure payments. We started at point-of-sale and became the world's most trusted payment expert with best-in-class hardware.

Today, we've pivoted our focus to software applications - payments are now a beginning, not an end - but our bedrock remains the same: Global trust and universal availability. We earn trust from our partners through our proven ability to enable more than 10 billion secure transactions a year - from the largest global big boxes, the neighborhood bar and the corner street vendor. Simplifying the complex and providing merchants a customer journey that is future-proof is our passion. Engineered from the inside, we make omnichannel commerce simple for merchants, delivering a consistent brand experience on a unified digital platform. This new direction comes from a new global vision and better customer-driven processes.

2Checkout Apps

2Checkout Checkouts Page
The comprehensive, modular 2Checkout platform allows you to create consistent customer experiences on all digital channels you're selling on.
2Checkout Checkouts Page
In August 2020, Verifone acquired 2Checkout.
Verifone is omnipresent in omnichannel - no matter where you are in the world, no matter where you are with your customer journey. We revolutionize commerce. We make it happen. Simply.
Our leading all-in-one monetization platform allows businesses to quickly expand internationally and optimize recurring revenue streams across channels, by simplifying the back-end complexities that modern digital commerce creates.